Why pray Lord Jagannath

The glory and pastimes of Lord Jagannath have been narrated in innumerable scriptures – from the Vedas, the earliest scriptures of mankind to the Puranas and later literary compositions in Sanskrit and Odia. These scriptures state beyond doubt that Lord Jagannath is the One Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient,  Supreme God referred to as Paramatma the Supreme Self, Parameshwara, the Supreme Lord and Param-Brahman, the Supreme Omnipresent God.


Shri Jagannath Mahaprabhu, the “Lord of the Universe” is the “Patitapabana” — the savior and solace of the downtrodden. He is the remover of sin and the giver of salvation. Lord Jagannath is worshipped as Narayana, the cosmic sustainer of the universe, when on the RatnaVedi in the sanctum sanctorum, like Ganesh, the destroyer of all obstacles,  when on SnanaVedi during Snana festival, as Rudra, the cosmic destroyer of the universe during Nava Kalevara ceremony, as Durga, the source of all energy in the Sayana festival, and as Surya, the synthesis of the cosmic trio during the Ratha Yatra festival. Lord Jagannath is Anantha, the infinite, Alekha, beyond description, Anadi, the timeless, Anam, without a name, Nirguna, without attributes, Niranjan without stigma, Nirakara without form. He is Purna Brahma and Sunya Purusa. He is Jagabandhu, the Friend of the Universe.


He is the Lord who listens and responds to His devotees prayers. His causeless mercy for His dear devotees is beyond imagination. He is ‘Bhakta vatsala’. He gives shelter to the downtrodden, the fallen, and the helpless. He rescued the King of the elephants, Gajendra from the crocodile’s clutches by slaying the crocodile with his Sudarshana Chakra. He responded to Draupadi’s distressed cries from the Kurusabha and protected her grace, saving her from shame. He gave shelter to Vibhishan and anointed him King of Lanka. Emerging from the pillar as Shri Narsimhadev, He saved His devotee Prahlad by tearing apart the cruel king Hiranyakashipu.


Lord Jagannath does not belong to any caste, creed, sect, religion or race. He is the Lord of the suffering humanity. This cosmic sustainer follows his devotees and once you surrender to him, he protects you in his embrace. He even listens to the prayers of the worst miscreants. He rewards devotion and complete surrender. He is a friend of the devotees and follows them as a calf follows the mother cow. He helps when you are totally helpless and treats all equally. He is the Lord of the devotees.


Let us surrender completely under his lotus feet.

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